Baby Pixie Hat Pattern


Just because they're making me happy.  Hydrangeas come from a friend's beautiful garden.  The rest are gifts from my students, which makes them even more beautiful (sorry, I know it's cheesy, but it's true). In my bedroom By my bed In the...
Baby Pixie Hat Pattern


While I decide what to do with all those felted sweaters, I have taken up a little knitting.  I've been so engrossed with crochet lately that I had almost forgotten how much I love to knit.  Especially little lacy things like this bonnet from Knitting...
Sunshine dreams

Sunshine dreams

In Mitsy fashion, I'm reporting progress on the Sunshine afghan.  I'm enjoying this project so much.  It's going slowly, since I only work on it on my 20 min. commute, but I think I will get there one day....
Baby Pixie Hat Pattern


Last night I finally got around to felting these sweaters.  Some are thrifted, some were mine, and one belonged to my father in law. I'm still not sure of what I'm going to do with them.   I chose all the pinks and ivories with the idea of...